Avoid Being Scammed Using This Ultimate Checklist

Being scammed is one of the most fearful things that new importers need to go through. Just the thought of writing thousands of your hard-earned money to another foreign account is already too scary. Good thing scams from China is totally very rare and if encountered, it can be avoided using few cautions. The bad news is, people still get victimized by scammers just because of simple mistakes. Now, we are going to tackle the things you need to do and not to do to avoid these unfortunate circumstances.


Absolute scams are surprisingly rare in China. This is due to their strict legal system. In fact, China is ranked as number 127th country, most difficult to start business with. However, they are ranked as 5th country that’s easiest to impose contracts. These factors are mixed with the fact that policemen and courts in China are too hard with criminals. Contrary to all allegations against China, it is nonetheless safer to do business there compared to other Western countries. You will mostly likely receive the goods that you paid for but when it comes to quality, they are sometimes intrigued with it.

Crappy Products From Chinese Supplier? They are not SCAMS!

Receiving crappy products from Chinese suppliers is not considered a scam. No one in China got imprisoned just because they sent low-quality products from their Chinese manufacturer. A product which has problem with the quality may possess these things:
  • Golden Sample: The sample product do not actually coincide with the actual purchased product.
  • Missed Lead times: When it’s supposed to be done in 30 days, it was delivered after 90 days.
  • Quality Fade: Over a period of time, the quality of product deteriorates.
  • Material Substitution: The main materials are evidently substituted.
Good thing is that, these problems tend to occur not very often. You can still feel safe and secured once you find the best and most suitable manufacturer for your business.
Scams Happen When You Send Money To Non-Chinese Company/Individual
Be very careful when sending money to someone who is not based in China or if the company is not situated in China. They are most likely scammers. As much as possible, you can choose PayPal as a payment option.

Checklist To Avoid Scams

Since you’ve already known the importance of knowledge when it comes to avoiding and getting victimized with dirty-playing scammers, you need to be very keen with these checklist.
  1. As much as possible, pay using PayPal
PayPal offers strong protection when it comes to payment. In fact, there are even suppliers who really hate doing business with PayPal as they are afraid of losses and claims by unsatisfied buyers.
  1. If payment is done via wire transfer, see to it that the payment goes to a company in China
Always make sure to check the payment recipient before actually sending money to them.
  1. Inspect before paying deposits
Make sure that before you pay deposits, there are no suspicious activities going on. Inspect important things as much as possible.

Top 6 Considerations That Ensures The Safety Of Electronic Products

Manufacturing products of any kind has always been about quality and durability. Once compromised, your viability and profitability will all be put in vain as there will be increased in product returns and recalls as well as customer complaints.
If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), you must see to it that the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) will handle the grading system throughout the planning, assuring, improving and controlling of the overall quality standard.
Fortunately, you can easily spot whether your supplier complied with all necessary requirements and qualifications to be able to produce high quality products. Aside researching the operation of the manufacturing companies, these areas must be taken in consideration.
  1. ISO credentials
The first on this list and one of the most important quality certification is the ISO credentials. This ensures that the manufacturer has dedication and consistently aims to provide quality products for their customer satisfaction. There are different ISO accreditations, most of which are mainly focused in the specific industry.
The most common ISO credentials to look for is the ISO 9001. This seal is internationally recognized by the quality management system (QMS).
  1. Document Control
Document control has a huge aspect to EMS companies especially when it comes to the Engineering Change Notes (ECNs). They mostly store this kind of data in multiple revisions. Feedback from customers are also securely collected and protected so as to implement the improvements in a timely manner.
  1. Incident Management
The EMS supplier uses a system to track and respond accordingly to certain issues so you can have a peace of mind. To ensure that the issues are properly addressed, certain actions must be assigned properly.
  1. Component Management
Percentages varies from one product to another. However, the cost and lead-time related with the assembly of electronic solely depends of the material. Therefore, EMS providers should focus in the supply chain management. You can’t afford to disappoint your supplier which is why you should avoid or totally diminish defects and minimize insignificant headaches.
  1. Performance Metrics
Ask your EMS Supplier regarding their supposed quality performance data and their plans of improvement. Once you visit their factory, you will see their actual production and their controls in the overall quality of products. Take note that once you send back products to the manufacturer, it will cause you trouble and profitability. Worst, it could damage your reputation. Reviewing performance metrics will help you have the percentage of products which are correctly manufactured and specifications.
  1. Quality Team
During your factory visit, get to know the quality management team of the company. Take note that a reputable and trusted EMS supplier will display their updated metrics around the building even without a notice of visit.             
As an original equipment manufacturer, choosing a reputable EMS provider who can provide and deliver your products in a timely manner with utmost quality is a daunting task. At first, you will see dozens of candidates yet with a closer look, you will notice that they are incapable in some way or another.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Risk and Benefits of Trade Shows That You Should Know

Before organizing or attending trade shows, consider first its benefits and risks so you can properly weigh in the things that needs considerations. These benefits and risks are different for every event. However, it is best to know that there are more advantage than risks with trade shows or expos.

Benefits of Trade Shows

China trade show is mostly organized to target specific group of audience. Attending in a trade show to exhibit your product or services can be a great way to advertise it to your target market, thus, promoting better brand awareness.
The general public is usually the target of small and large exhibitions. This will give you an opportunity to promote your company’s product and services to a wider group of individuals that may have less to nothing idea as to the products and services you offer.
Product or market testing are commonly carried out in trade shows to mainly acknowledge the opinion and response of the public to the product or services you are offering.
With trade shows, you can branch out from one business to another and make a database of customer from participants to the display booth.
It is also very important to consider researching before you actually attend a trade show or you can talk things out with your business advises, in case you have one. This way, you can be sure on the things that will determine the success of your business. However, if you failed in discussing and assessing things out, you might face these risks along the way.
  • Trade show will take more of your precious time. It will last at least a day or two.
  • Travelling for a trade show can be pretty costly.
  • Displaying your products or services in a trade show can also be very costly.
  • Expect tight competition in any trade show you attend.
Did you know that just by merely choosing the inappropriate trade show for your product or services can result to a dozen of negativity, especially because it was exposed to the wrong audience? Aside from that, poorly-made promotion results to wasted time and money. This will only overweigh any future revenue.
To Attend or Not
Deciding to attend a trade show can be a tough decision. However, once you’ve comprehended these things, you will know if it is right to attend one or not.
  • If you have enough funds to pay for any associated costs such as attendance, display and other necessary fees.
  • If you have knowledge on the trade show you are about to attend and you are confident that you will get a number of contacts by the end of it.
  • If you have known a better way to attract the attention of other people.
  • If you have enough product literature.
  • If you have made enough prospects as well as clients that will possibly return the investment you made for the trade show.
Other things that needs to be considered
  • Before the trade show, you must have an idea as to how you can make those customer leads into suitable prospects.
  • You should also check if you have top-notch sales skills as it is very important when attending trade shows.
  • Before attending a trade show, you should also obtain exceptional knowledge when it comes to marketing that you can use throughout the entire trade show.

Links: https://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Trade-Fairs-Are-Important-For-Export-Marketing&id=1938676

Important Things To Know When Selling Cosmetics in Brazil

Brazil is known as the largest importers of cosmetics all across the world. In 2011, they have reached a breathtaking record of USD 500 million in the importation of soaps, make-up, shampoos, perfumes, soaps and other related product. This number is fast increasing every year.
As stated by the above data, Brazil has drastically surpassed Japan, making them second largest importer and distributor of cosmetics, second to United States. Also, according to Joao Carlos Basilio of the Brazilian Association of Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance Industry, for 17 consecutive years, there was an increase of two digits in the cosmetics sector.
There was also a theory known as “lipstick index” which states the immunity of this sector to crisis of all sorts. This expression was first heard from Leonard Lauder of Estee Launder, a well-known cosmetics company. According to him, lipsticks can stand the test of time because of its demands and low prices.
Documents Required For Importation
The Ministry of Health in Brazil is in control of the entire health and security proceedings of all cosmetic items. They help guarantee the quality of each cosmetic product to protect the health people.
All establishments responsible for the production, importation and storage of cosmetic items should get registered to the ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) and comply the needed documents named Autorizacao de Funcionamento de Empresa, this serves as an authorization for the company to operate.
Imported cosmetics should also comply with the safety standards and documentations set by the Ministry of Health.
  • Authorization Petition Form (Original and Photocopy)
  • Collection Form from the Ministry of Health
  • Declaration to Anivsa/HM
  • Letter of attorney in case of legal representatives
  • Copy of Social Contract fully registered at the Junta Comercial with specific description of the requested item
  • General Taxpayers’ Register (CGC) – Photocopy
  • Declaration of commitment from Regional Council of Category, stating the nomination of the responsible technician
  • Technical report of the used equipment, with specifications
  • Signatures Sheet accomplished by the legal representatives as well as the technician in-charge
  • Technical report, accompanied with quality description
  • Report of Installations – 2 photocopy
  • Short list of product features
  • List of branches, representatives and warehouses of the company
  • Certification of Free (CVL)
  • Formula of the product
  • Declaration from the exporter stating that the establishment fully meets the needed requirements to manufacture, practice and control cosmetics, perfumes and toiletries industrial establishments
  • Inspection Report accompanied by a conclusive technical opinion from the local Health Surveillance (VISA)
Over the years, the cosmetics industry in Brazil is taking a leap as more product gets exported to other countries. The allowable amount of cosmetic products (shampoo and creams) that individuals can bring to Brazil is not fixed. However, it is advised to only bring maximum of 10 products of similar kind to avoid facing charges. Buying products through websites or online China suppliers are also highly advisable since you will be given different options for each purchase.

Top 10 Best Business and Job Opportunities in Dubai

Why do you want to start your business in Dubai? Do you have ideas regarding the best business ventures to start with? Or suppliers in China to contact? If you want to know the answer to your questions, then you first need to understand the reason behind the popularity of Dubai when it comes to business ventures.
United Arab Emirates comprises of seven Emirates but Dubai is the most popular among them all. Though not the capital of UAE, Dubai is considered a business hub. Approximately, is has about 1.5 million consumers markets located in countries like Africa, Eastern Europe, West Asia and their neighboring Middle East countries.
If you are planning to invest in UAE, then you are heading the right way. However, not all businesses becomes successful especially because of the pool of competitors wanting to steal away your spot anytime soon. Investing in the right business in Dubai will help you get quick returns as well as long term profit.

Top 10 Best Business and Jobs Opportunities in Dubai

  1. Construction
Every day, dozens of buildings are being made in Dubai and the rest of the Emirate. This paves way to professionals working in the field of construction and engineering. Similarly, same advantages goes to companies selling and manufacturing of raw materials for the building construction.
  1. Oil and gas
Oil and gas has become the country’s bread and butter for years. Most of the riches enjoyed by Dubai and other Middle East countries are thanks to the abundance of oil and gas in their hands. Entrepreneurs can start from scratch or partner with established businesses.
  1. Financial Services
The increase in the large-scale businesses in Dubai opens up opportunities for professionals offering financial services like accountants, auditors and bookkeepers. Experience is a plus point.
  1. Food and beverages
In any country, businesses in the food industry always offer huge profits. Same goes in Dubai, food on-the-go is highly in demand.
  1. Healthcare
“Health is Wealth” – Health is utterly important in Dubai. Healthcare professionals are highly in demand in UAE. Also, if you are planning to start a business in Dubai, you can venture healthcare services or anything that attributes to health like medicines and fitness.
  1. Security
Dubai offers less security concern to its people. However, security guards and devices to boost the security of the public is highly in-demand. You can take up a company that specializes in security services or simply sell products related to security like alarm systems and surveillance devices.
  1. Transport
Transport sector is also in-demand in Dubai. Taxi services, for instance, are highly needed to transport expats, locals and tourists all throughout the city.
  1. Environment
The rise of construction and industrialization demands in Dubai is greatly affecting the environment, thus, prompting to hire green living advocates or environmental services to minimize its negative effects.
  1. Tourism
As you all know, Dubai is tagged as the world’s most famous vacation destination. No wonder, there are dozens of five-star hotels built all across the city. This offers job opportunities and services to cater the needs of its valued guests.
  1. Energy
Like all the other well-developed countries, Dubai’s energy sector is also taking a great boost. If you are planning to invest in this field, you can expect great response from the public.
You have to take risks when doing business, in any country. However, in Dubai, where economy is booming at its best, it is simply important to consider the kind of business to venture as it will eventually result to huge profit in the long run.

Selling Techniques That Will Work and Won’t Work For Your Business in Dubai

Who wouldn’t want their products to sell effectively to the consumers? That is everybody’s dream. Success is acquired that way especially in this thriving economy. Good thing there are effective selling techniques that one can use effectively. Just note that not all conventional wisdom does that magic. Here are some of the best ones that you should ponder.

Selling Techniques For Your Business in Dubai
  1. Sales Process as a Linear Process
Most salespeople especially suppliers in China come up with the idea that sales process is indeed a linear process. It has an endpoint to either your competitor or your own business. In fact, there are other options to take – it’s no decision. Most people lose their businesses because of their hanging thoughts, rather than to their avid business competitors. To resolve this, adopt solution as early as possible.
  1. Telling the Before and After Of Your Story
Business stories doesn’t always have a good start. Most of the time, they have fairly a rough start yet they were able to achieve the things that they have now through intensive work dedication. One of the most valuable selling technique is to tell your business stories from the start up until your great success. Involving emotion to the entire process is totally appealing to customers. Talk how things get better as you go along with life, no matter how stressful it is. This technique will greatly affect your business.
  1. Make Your Customers The Ultimate Hero
As always, every customer has its own great hero. Someone who will save the day from bad guys. When creating story for you company, make your customers the ultimate hero that will save the day. Take note that you should not be the one saving the day, it should be your customers. You should act as a mentor who helps every customer realize the fact that there are changes in this world and how they should act to adapt from it.
  1. Use a Something Out of the Ordinary – 3D props
A story won’t be effective without the use of props. You need to have an effective props to be able to fully enhance your story. With that, the best technique to use is 3D props. Break the expected pattern and make them pay more attention to your subject matter. Your props should continue selling even after the story has ended and you have left the room.
Selling Techniques That Won’t Work For Your Business in Dubai
  1. Talking First About Benefits
Every business has its own benefits. However, if you start your conversation with the benefits of your business instead of its features, this will sound off and most customer deals are lost along the way.
  1. Marketing Through Personas
The most common marketing strategy is creating personas. However, personas mostly define the prospect – demographic and behavior. Consider a new way to deal with your customers instead of using persona because the need to change does not particularly depend on it.
Sales techniques can be either beneficial or damaging to your business. Create a portfolio of solution that will organize everything based on its effectiveness to your business.
Links: http://www.yesware.com/blog/sales-techniques/